Thursday, May 28, 2009

She part. 2

wondering in my vomit
if there is not any other
idea, something worthy
better than love.

im here you know,
im here, waiting to spur
everything out
all this pain
all this joy
all this.

wondering asking wanting

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Every time she things about it, she keeps going under
& further. She thought that this time, she would not fall
again, but all those wishes are in vain, she wants a love
to love, she wants a guy to befriend with, she wants a
kiss that she can sustain and she wants a hand that she
can share. [mutually]

She found herself talking, telling her inner part, that this time will be different.
But today she questions herself? Will it be different? Or is it that the more she thinks about it
she may commit the same past mistakes, this is so lame. Even though she wants to fall in love,
is all this sentiment worth it.

She really does not know.
But for the while she will go home
to her town, in ENS.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


she went walking up the hill,
wandering around while the air just hit her face
while smoking a cigarrette,
she was really annoyed to not be able to understand.
all-written things.

she remembered things of her past
she questioned herself, about it whether
she would be able to accept the past things
to occur again.
She gave a lot of thought to it,
when she came around the corner to go walking
down the hill, her head started to ache.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Escucho el ruido del computador
solo se acerca y sube el volumen
para decirme que me quiere y
que me necesita.
Sera acaso que el efecto e benadrex esta
haciendo su funcion en mi.
SEra acaso, que esto de la reflexion esta
haciendo efecto en mi.

Volteo despacio, lento, trato de averiguar
que mas quiere decirme...entonces lentamente abro su
pantalla, y en ella hay letras de colores multifaceticos
que deletrea mi nombre, en ese morado
maravilloso, que me hace penetrarme dentro de una imagen
tan pintoresca. Que me hace volverme fuera de esta realidad.
A mi realidad. Cual realidad? La que viven los humanos diarios
a la que quisiera escapar sin el antidoto que estoy ingiriendo
para borrar la desdicha y solo alcanzar un poco de felicidad.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Autoretratos II

Sunday, May 17, 2009

1 Night in Porkys town.

Saturday, May 16, 2009